One could live for scenes like this

(Dec 19 12:25 p.m.)

Partly blue skies, and just the right amount of snow on trees — sometimes the view in Maine is remarkable.  And this shot is of the front yard to our house!

(Dec 19 12:22 p.m.)

This one, the back.

In the middle of… it. (Dec 18 1:19 p.m.)

We got an inch or so more of the white stuff yesterday.  The view outside was a bit pink in the afternoon.

It sort of felt like a “snow day” (apart from the fact that I haven’t attended school in ages).  So I manually assembled some trail mix (Craisins®, raisins, sunflower seeds, chocolate chips), and watched Guardians of the Galaxy from start to finish, since I had no memory of seeing it, and had seen the sequel.  It’s interesting that I did this after accidentally knocking one of the stacks of DVDs on the floor, and wouldn’t have watched it otherwise.  Sometimes it’s weird and messy how life happens.  Gotta say “yes” as much as you can!

(Dec 19 12:25 p.m.)

The snowfall stopped soon enough.  The snowdrifts made the accumulation look worse in areas less shoveled.  But it was all fairly easy for me, a somewhat experienced Maineiac, to do both front and back porches, and behind the car.

(Dec 14 3:38 p.m.)

My mother bought this new orange shovel… which I’ve declined to use.

(Dec 17 3:32 p.m.)

No death-cicles (deadly icicles) yet.  It’s possible the temperatures may be too high this coming winter.  Melting and freezing— the surface of the snow develops a coat of ice, and hands become dry.

(Dec 19 12:23 p.m.)

If you think the squirrels haven’t been active, think again.  They’re more conservative with their time in the cold, sure.  But they’re still hoppin’ around, even on the snow… and, of course, hopping right back onto the trees.

(Dec 19 12:25 p.m.)

That small tree isn’t so small today.

Earlier. (Dec 19 10:23 a.m.)

Ah, well, that’s it for now.  I don’t have any other new photos (that aren’t redundant or sensitive), and don’t have any news (not counting the horrible national news).  I’ve been regularly going to sleep at night, which means… I’m tired.  But not before I catch the last episode of Silicon Valley, season four.  That show never fails to entertain me!

Have a good night, dear reader. 🙂 Or morning… afternoon— whatever applies to you.

…Yeah, bye!

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