A Gift that Keeps on Giving

Friday Fiction time!

100 words

Photo Copyright © C.E.Ayr

A crackling sound caught my attention.  Flashes outside revealed clouds.  But it wasn’t lightning.  And there, I noticed: parts of the ground were missing.

Windows vibrated.  Dust billowed.

Suddenly, I knew where I was… but it was too late.  Floors gave, ceilings caved.

I awoke, chest pounding.

“Remi,” a voice spoke my name.

I turned, I saw no one.  I had it.  “Who are you?  What do you want with me?!!”

Dogs barked.  Lights came on.  I must’ve roused the whole neighborhood.

Despite everything, Sam wouldn’t believe.  I felt so… alone.  I cried.  And there, I felt that… otherworldly feeling…

…Yes, I worked another prompt into my “infinitely growing” story arc.

Every week Rochelle hosts a link-up, where the objective is: a three-part story, at most 100 words, for a picture by week’s end.

Click here to see what others have written or add your own story.

10 thoughts on “A Gift that Keeps on Giving

  1. Your MC seems to be able to do a lot of destruction when being emotional, or sleeping. What a story(-fragment). The story arc gets more and more intriguing. I went back and read some of the earlier ones, are they all tagged with ‘story’? Anyway, scary and mysterious take on the prompt.

    Liked by 1 person

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